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Dates festival photo contest winners announced

8 Nov 2022 By

Muscat – Winners of a photography competition called ‘Palms and Dates,’ organised as part of the activities of the 8th Omani Dates Festival 2022 by the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Water resources, were announced on Sunday.

Mohammed Hamdan Salem al Hajri won the first place with a picture titled Dates Seller, while photographer Majid bin Obaid al Amri won second place with his entry Season of Joy.

Speaking to Muscat Daily, Hajri informed that 16 photographers participated in the competition. The competition aimed to promote Omani dates and derivatives and date palms.

“I am proud of this photo that fetched me the first prize. It was taken spontaneously in a market in Bidiyah. It is a stark and simple photograph that shows how the activity of selling dates has not changed for centuries.”

According to Amri, such competitions are important as they encourage Omani photographers “to learn about and promote the professions of our ancestors among the future generation”.

Majid bin Obaid al Amri won second place with his entry Season of Joy

Describing his photo, Amri said he tried to capture the joy of children during the date harvesting and processing season of Tabseel in the village of Al Wasel, wilayat Bidiyah in North Sharqiy-ah. The season involves harvesting dates, boiling in water and preparing these for the market.

According to Amri, the season, which runs from the end of June to mid-July, is a celebration for Omani farmers. It is considered one of the most important agricultural seasons due to the economic returns.

“I love taking portraits and photos of peoples customs and nature,” Amri added. “Capturing Oman’s natural beauty in photographs is my way of contributing to improve domestic tourism in my beloved country.”

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