E-commerce platform Nabay.com is conducting a promotion in Oman offering cash prizes of up to RO1,000 to its registered users.
Nabay.com has three unique pillars related to e-commerce and online shopping. Registered users can easily enjoy cashless shopping online with people worldwide via the barter exchange pillar, by simply swapping any products or services they have and no longer need, with something that they love and wish to get hold of without spending money.
The system is created to allow a smooth and easy experience for people when shopping; it also enables them to swap items privately by simply creating private groups to swap items among their known communities or groups of friends, and special interest groups where people can invite themselves to swap specific items among each other for an even more exciting cashless shopping experience.
In the ongoing promotion in Oman, people are invited to register as barterers on the website and immediately win a 15 per cent discount voucher from Capital Stores Oman. Registered users will then have a chance to win up to RO1,000! The first prize is RO25 for the first 50 users who upload a product on the website/app successfully. The second prize of RO100 is for the top ten users who successfully barter their products online with others. The prize of RO1,000 is for a lucky winner who creates a private barter group with at least five added members or a special interest group with at least five members. The promotion will end on March 7.
The key pillar of the innovative platform is the Nabay virtual mall, where stores around the world who need support in establishing their online shops at an economic cost can do so via Nabay.com. The shops would be able to have their own look and feel by selecting different creative themes, and are free to upload their products, advertisements and any content they wish to include on their website, given it complies with Nabay.com’s terms and conditions. Another unique pillar of the Nabay.com platform is the plugged-in. Businesses who have websites and provide any kind of services can simply plug in their website to Nabay.com and increase their exposure to people worldwide.
People who view these websites on Nabay.com can have a brief idea of the business and their offerings, and can click on the business name and be directed to their website to explore the services further. Nabay.com’s role would be to increase people’s attention to these websites and help expose to them to as many people as possible.
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