Muscat – The Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation (MoHERI) has announced the opening of registration for the second round of the Strategic Research Projects Programme (SRPP), keeping the process open until February 28.
The programme focuses on the national priorities to find scientific and applied solutions through competitive research proposals; enhance constructive cooperation between the parties in the research system – governmental, academic and private sectors; and make recommendations to create or update policies, legislation and general procedures.
For this year, the Ministry of Health has identified the topics ‘Cardiovascular Diseases’ and ‘Health Sector Leadership and Governance’ as research priorities.
Separately, the Ministry of Education has decided to focus on three areas of research, namely ‘Health, psychological and social problems for school students at different levels of education’; ‘Raising the level of academic achievement for students in Oman in the fields of science, mathematics, Arabic and English’; and ‘Developing technical programme for e-learning, raising the academic level, and developing future skills for students with disabilities’.
As for the research priorities of the Environment Authority and the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Water Resources; they will soon be announced and will be followed by announcements of research priorities put forward by other participating government agencies.
MoHERI contributes maximum up to 50 per cent of the cost of a project, and not exceeding RO50,000 for each approved research project, while the other partners, who either manage or implement these research projects, cover the remaining cost of the project and provide necessary support.
The evaluation of a research proposal is based on the criteria of research excellence, the criteria for linking to institutional challenges, the impact of the research outputs and their applicability, with the priority given to research proposals and projects that serve a set of national priorities, said the ministry.
Interested applicants can submit their research proposals through the Research Information Management System at the Oman Research Portal.
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