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Oman’s foreign policy hailed by EU ministers

10 Oct 2023 Oman’s foreign policy hailed by EU ministers By

Muscat – Foreign ministers taking part in the 27th Joint GCC-EU Ministerial Council hailed Oman’s foreign policy and the sultanate’s international efforts to establish dialogue for peace, stability and prosperity.

Speaking to ONA, the ministers pointed out that dialogue constitutes a permanent principle and a strong approach in Oman’s foreign policy to achieve reconciliation and peace among all conflicting parties.

They stressed that Oman’s foreign policy should be taken as a model for consolidating regional and global security and stability.

Josep Borrell, High Representative of European Union for Foreign and Security Policy and Vice-President of European Commission, said, “The sultanate plays a positive role as a reliable mediator at regional and international levels.”

Josep Borrell, High Representative of European Union for Foreign and Security Policy and Vice-President of European Commission

Referring to Oman’s role in the peace efforts in the Yemen crisis, Borrell stated that it had the full appreciation and respect of the EU.

On his part, Gabrielius Landsbergis, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Lithuania, said Muscat hosting the EU-GCC meeting affirmed the position of Oman as a centre for regional and global dialogue.

Tobias Billstrom, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of Sweden, described Oman’s foreign policy of dialogue as a “model” that deserves commendation.

In another interview, Ian Borg, Minister of Foreign and European Affairs and Trade of the Republic of Malta, said Oman’s foreign policy is based on respect for international law.

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