Muscat – The Ministry of Labour (MoL) supports several training initiatives for youth employment, one of which is the on-the-job training scheme.
Under the scheme, a management or technical training programme is conducted for three to 18 months in one of the qualified institutes for the training of jobseekers before they join the private sector.
Upon the completion of the training programme, a jobseeker is employed directly by the company under the supervision of MoL.
The training initiative targets jobseekers of different qualifications and is dependent on the need of the company employing the jobseeker.
“The mechanism of this initiative begins after receiving a funding request. It is then reviewed internally to ensure it meets MoL’s funding criteria.
Once the requirements are met, a field visit to the training institute is conducted,” said Ali Rashid al Salhi from the Training Support Centre at the Ministry of Labour.
“During the training period, trainees are given a monthly stipend. Depending on the training scheme chosen, training fees can also be funded by the Ministry of Labour. Moreover, the companies must register trainees through the social insurance department during the training period.”
Depending on the training programme, trainees can obtain both national and international certifications, acquiring the necessary skills and experiences to succeed in the job market, Salhi elaborated.
“On-the-job training initiative aims to enhance the trainees’ skills by making them competent in their fieldwork,” said Abdul Hamid Yahya al Tuwaijri, senior electrical engineer and one of the participants in the initiative.
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