In a move to provide better employment opportunities, the Oman Investment Authority (OIA), in cooperation with the Ministry of Labour, launched an initiative to provide more than 4,800 jobs and training opportunities this year.
In a statement, OIA said, ‘The initiative will create more than 4,800 jobs and training opportunities for jobseekers in the companies owned by the authority. The initiative will be implemented in three phases during the year 2021.’
The initiative aims to provide direct jobs and training opportunities coupled with on-the-job training opportunities to develop skills in different specialisations. The initiative targets graduates of general education diploma, bachelor’s and master’s degrees, those who have been laid off from work and those without a general education diploma.
The candidates’ family income, social status and work location will be taken into consideration when selected.
The companies owned by the authority include Oman India Fertiliser Company (Omifco), Nama Group, OICT Group, OQ, Asyad Group, Omran Group, Oman LNG, Omantel, Oman Air, Oman Food Investment Holding Company, Abraj Energy Services, Oman Housing Bank, Fisheries Development Oman, Oman Airports, Oman Development Bank, Majan Glass, Asaas and Takatuf.
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