Despite facing tremendous difficulties in the backdrop of measures taken by governments around the world to combat COVID-19 pandemic, port authorities in Oman are ensuring continuity of regional trade along with unhindered supplies to the local market.
In a tweet posted on its official twitter handle, Oman’s Port Operations and Management Company, Marafi said that in the first quarter of 2020 it has received more than 900 ships carrying over half a million tonnes of general cargo and a quarter of a million heads of livestock at various ports in sultanate.
During the first three months of this year, Marafi, a member of Asyad Group, has handled 522,542 tonnes of general cargo and 278,740 heads of livestock entering the country with 930 ships. During this period, the company has also handled 93 cruise ships carrying 389,154 passengers in the country.
‘Marafi will continue to play its role in stimulating regional trade,’ it said in the tweet. Since the beginning of the restrictions, Marafi has been very active in ensuring the unrestricted supplies of essential commodities in the local market.
Last week Marafi launched a new direct shipping line to facilitate the imports of vegetables, fruits and foodstuffs from Iran. It has also invited all merchants in the sultanate to benefit from this new shipping line service.
Marafi was established as a limited liability company under law of the sultanate with a vision to successfully and commercially operate and manage ports. The company is mandated by Asyad Group to undertake port operations and management, including harbor and marine services, and shore-based port operations including dry ports.
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