Place: Muscat
Dhofar Municipality served closure notices to 34 food establishments in December last year. The civic body served closure notices and also destroyed 14,789 tonnes of unfit food during the campaign conducted across the wilayat of Salalah.
Municipality officials carried out 1,465 inspection visits, issued 868 warnings and fined 46 shops.
“Notices were issued to restaurants, coffee shops, meat and poultry shops, and food stores for not following health and hygiene guidelines.”
The inspections were aimed at cracking down on unhygienic food practices and improving the quality of food served and sold.
As part of the drive 17 food samples and 82 water samples were also taken for laboratory testing.
Represented by the Health Licences Department, the municipality recently issued 729 health and commercial licences. It also renewed 360 health cards, issued 252 and cancelled 97. As many as 404 licences were renewed and 70 were also cancelled by the civic body.
The municipality calls upon owners of foodstuff facilities to adhere to health regulations.
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