Thursday, February 13
05:29 PM

Public sector pensioners exceed 201,860

2 Jan 2020

Place:  Muscat

The number of pensioners registered with the public sector pension funds in the sultanate in November 2019 stood at 201,864, a rise of 0.1 per cent compared to June 2019. According to the latest data released by the National Centre for Statistics and Information (NCSI), the total number of pensioners in November 2019 included 118,954 males and 82,910 females.


According to the category of wages subject to contribution, the highest number of pensioners were in the wage category of RO1,000 and RO2,000 (59,939).


This was followed by the category of those in RO700 to RO800 with 35,840 pensioners. The number of pensioners with wages between RO800 and RO900 rose by 0.1 per cent to stand at 31,784.


There were 20,131 pensioners with wages ranging from RO325 to less than RO400 and 16,633 with wages from RO500 to RO600 and 20,339 with salary from RO600 to less than RO700.


The lowest number of pensioners were in the wage category of RO2,000 and above (4,896). According to the age category, pensioners between 35 and 39 years topped the list at 53,708, followed by those between 30 and 34 years at 46,970 pensioners.


NCSI statistics show that there were 38,489 people within 40 and 44 years and 20,342, in the age group of 45 to 49 years.

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