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11:39 PM

Muscat airport campaign wins award in Italy

11 Dec 2019

Oman has been honoured with the ‘Best Live Communication’ award at the Assorel Awards 2019 in Milan, Italy. 

The award is in recognition for the efforts to promote the sultanate as a world-class aviation, travel and logistics hub.

Assorel is one of Europe’s most prestigious communications industry awards and the premier event for the sector in Europe and Italy. The award recognises campaigns and projects that showcase best-practice work, thinking and innovation in the fields of communications and marketing. 

Mustafa al Hinai, chief executive officer at Oman Aviation Group (OAG), said, “We are thrilled to have received this prestigious international communications accolade, which is a testament to the work and passion that drives our team every day in the aviation sector.

“OAG works to elevate the position of our sector globally. We are proud to invite the world to experience our beautiful country and amazing hub in Muscat. I would also like to thank our partners at the Ministry of Transport, the Ministry of Information, the Ministry of Tourism, the Public Authority for Civil Aviation and the ROP for their continued support.”

The Assorel Association is a founder of ICCO – the International Communications Consultancy Organisation – the voice of communications consultancies around the world. Other winners at the event this year included important global brands operating in European markets like Pfizer, Danone and Yamaha in recognition of their unique communication strategy and digital marketing innovations.

OAG is the only brand from the Arab world to receive this important accolade. 

Massimo Tafi, president, Assorel, said, “Every year the Assorel Awards jury reviews hundreds of campaigns and evaluate their efficiency and originality. The one developed by OAG with Edelman generated great results and highlighted the importance of communication as a tool for creating synergies and enhancing travel and international cultural exchange.”

To promote the new Muscat International Airport, OAG led a strategic global multichannel public relations campaign focused on 15 key international markets. 

This produced over 180 press articles and a reach of over 1.8bn media impressions globally. The campaign, created and executed in just three months, was awarded for the efficiency of its tactics and investments. The advertising value equivalent of the visibility is estimated at US$3mn, which gives for an amazing return on investment and great visibility for the sultanate’s award winning infrastructures and offerings.

OAG, with its local Omani partners, crafted a dedicated communications plan and messaging platform to highlight the country as destination and its aviation assets.

The international earned media project culminated with a five-day international press tour of Muscat. The trip saw 35 international media and top influencers who experienced Oman first-hand. 

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